We will refund you within 14 working days from the date your return was received in our warehouse and we will notify you of this via email. If orders are canceled before they are shipped, the refund will be processed within 3 working days of the cancellation request being received.
If your order has been shipped to a destination within the European Union, all taxes (VAT) will be refunded. Outside the European Union,customs duties and taxes are not refundable. In any case, you may be able to recover the costs by contacting your local customs office directly. As this may not be available in all countries, we recommend that you use a customs broker if you wish to have duties refunded on the returned goods.
The money will be credited via the same method used for payment:
Each authorized garment must be returned in perfect condition, with box, dustbag and cover as received from The Attico S.R.L.
If any accessories will be missing, the swap will be charged of 10€ per garment.